Please plan to join us and remember to RSVP for our, Thursday, August 5, 7:30pm 350Fairfax general meeting.
Our guest speaker is Cindy Speas, the newest member of the Fairfax County Tree Commission, appointed by Chairman Jeff McKay to the At-Large seat. She is the Tree Canopy Lead for Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions (FACS), which she also represents on Fairfax Healthy Communities. In 2019 she became a trained Climate Reality Leader. Extending her tree work, she is a member of Friends of Holmes Run, Plant Nova Trees, and the steering committee for Lewinsville Presbyterian Church’s Earth Care Team.
Her talk will highlight the role trees play globally in both mitigating climate change and adapting to its most serious effects.
Discussion :
We will leave time for Q & A and look forward to some lively discussions!
We will learn what we can do to support urban forests in our own yards and communities and on a larger county, state and global level
Remember to RSVP here for Thursday, August 5, 7:30PM, 350Fairfax General Meeting.
A zoom link will be sent on the morning of the meeting and again an hour before the meeting. If for some reason you do not get the link, please contact me at [email protected]
Looking forward to getting together,