
Government’s ‘first step’ on Protocol welcomed

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP welcomes Government's significant first step towards fixing Protocol

DUP Leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP has said the publication of the Government’s Command Paper on the Northern Ireland Protocol is a first step and a tacit acceptance that the Protocol is not working.

”Sticking plasters and short-term fixes were never going to work. We need a proper renegotiation. Last week we published seven tests for any new approach to the Protocol. That is the yardstick we will use in the days ahead.”

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Also this week

Party Leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson met European Commission Vice-President Maros Sefcovic and sait both the Government and the EU must now re-negotiate.
- Paid tribute to Alderman Junior McCrum who passed away this week.
- Writing in the News Letter ahead of the meeting, he said the European Commission must recognise that the Protocol has failed.
- Announced that Peter Johnson has been selected to fill the vacancy in the Holywood and Clandeboye electoral area of Ards & North Down Borough Council.
- Pressed the Prime Minister to take action on the NI Protocol.

First Minister Paul Givan wished local Olympians well ahead of the start of the Tokyo games.

DAERA Minister Edwin Poots launched a new digital online service for waste management application services.
- Said some measures introduced to minimise disruption to bovineTb testing as a result of Covid-19 are to end.

Lord Dodds said the NI Protocol is not fit for purpose.

Economy Minister Gordon Lyons joined DAERA Minister Edwin Poots to highlight Farm Safety Week.
- Launched a new Assured Skills Academy at South West College.

Education Minister Michelle McIlveen praised the work of the Forest School Association.

Vice Chair of the Health Committee Pam Cameron welcomed the latest extension of the vaccine programme.
- Said the EU’s stubborn approach to the Protocol is putting the health of people in Northern Ireland at risk.

North Antrim MLA Mervyn Storey led DUP MLAs speaking in opposition to the Government’s plans for a troubles amnesty during an Assembly debate on Tuesday.
- Spoke after joining other Party colleagues at Stormont to support a protest by victims against the Government’s amnesty proposals.

Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart said abortion laws should be a matter for the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive.
- Said the EU and Dublin must realise the NI Protocol is flawed.
- Paid tribute to constituency colleague Alderman Junior McCrum

North Antrim MP Ian Paisley said a report by the Institute of Irish Studies downpays the serious disruption caused by the NI Protocol.
- Said the Government’s legacy plans remove victims hope of justice.

East Antrim MP Sammy Wilson said that new arrangements brought forward by the Government must deal with the NI Protocol’s democratic defecit.

East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell said the Government’s intentions for the NI Protocol were “a first step

East Belfast MLA Robin Newon said action was needed to tackle illegal money lending.

Chair of the Infrastructure Committee Jonathan Buckley encouraged people to conserve water and protect supply amidst very high demand during the warm weather.

Supporting Victims protest against Government amnesty plans

Mervyn Storey speaking after supporting victims protesting against the Government’s amnesty proposals.

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