Vulture Conservation Foundation news bulletin
June 2021

The first Wildlife Crime Academy

In Andalusia, Spain, competent authorities deal with the death of a vulture or other wildlife as any other serious crime, which means Crime Scene Investigation (CSI), evidence collection, forensic analysis and court procedures to achieve convictions and justice! To transfer Spanish best practice experience to the Balkans and beyond, the Junta de Andalucía and the Vulture Conservation Foundation (VCF) recently implemented the Basic Course of the first-ever Wildlife Crime Academy in Spain within the scope of the BalkanDetox LIFE project. This event marked a milestone — not only did it take place during a global pandemic, but it’s also the first training of its kind achieving real engagement and providing necessary skills to relevant stakeholders to effectively fight wildlife crime in several European regions.

Learn more about this milestone

LIFE RE-Vultures project comes to an end

Since 2016, the LIFE RE-Vultures strived to support the recovery and further expansion of the Cinereous and Griffon Vulture populations in the cross-border region of the Rhodope Mountains. Over the past five years, the project team helped increase the Griffon Vulture population in the Eastern Rhodopes, restored the red and fallow deer and mitigated severe threats the species face by implementing several targeted conservation actions. The LIFE-funded project that has now come to an end was led by Rewilding Europe, in collaboration with the Rewilding Rhodopes Foundation, the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, WWF Greece, the Hellenic Ornithological Society and us here at the VCF.

Read about the project's achievements

Latest news about Europe's
vulture species

Bearded Vulture

Tinença de Benifassà natural park welcomed three new Bearded Vultures


Donna Elvira and BelArosa recently became the 50th and 51st Bearded Vultures reintroduced in the Swiss Alps

Young Bearded Vulture Bavaria and Wally successfully take their first flight into the Bavarian Alps

Egyptian Vulture

First Egyptian Vulture observation in the UK in 150 years


LIFE Rupis: Layman’s report and project films now available

Griffon Vulture

Raptor interactions: Golden Eagle predates Griffon Vulture chick


Cáceres Farmer receives a hefty penalty for intentionally poisoning sheep to kill vultures


Griffon Vultures return to a historic colony in Greece after 30 years

Latest news from our
vulture conservation projects

The BalkanDetox LIFE project, led by us at the Vulture Conservation Foundation, aims to strengthen national capacities to fight wildlife poisoning and raise awareness about the problem across seven Balkan countries.

Latest news

Wildlife Crime Academy: first training starts in one week


LIFE GypConnect led by LPO and co-funded by the MAVA Foundation aims to create a breeding population in France's Massif Central and Department of the Drôme to connect the Alpine and Pyrenean populations of Bearded Vultures. 

Latest news
Grands Causses welcomes one more Bearded Vulture as part of the LIFE GypConnect reintroduction project

Recent mass vulture poisoning in Spain

At the end of June, nearly 100 vultures were discovered dead or dying in a field located in Castilla y León during one of the most serious wildlife poisoning episodes recorded in Spain over the last 25 years. The competent authorities took immediate action by launching an investigation, collecting the necessary evidence and samples. According to the preliminary results, carbofuran is the likely cause of death, which is one of the most toxic carbamate pesticides banned for use in the European Union since December 2007. 

Learn more
Research Reviews
Research plays a crucial role in conserving and protecting vultures as it can help inform future conservation strategies and actions. Here at the VCF, our staff and board members significantly contribute to vulture studies, and we continually review research carried out by our colleagues to stay up to date with the latest vulture conservation insights. Have a look at our latest research reviews:

What are the economic benefits of avian scavenger-based tourism in Spain?


The spread of misinformation as a new challenge for vulture conservation

Follow vultures like Diego online 

Diego keeps on wandering! The captive-bred Egyptian Vulture left his spring-summer residence in Italy on 26 April to cross the Adriatic sea, arriving in the Balkans. He explored the region for over two months before he started heading north, reaching Hungary and Austria! Since Diego left Italy and embarked on this adventure, the young vulture covered 12,500 km and visited 12 countries!

Explore Diego's travels 
We here at the VCF follow the movements of several vultures as part of different projects. You can track the movements of all the European vulture species we tagged within our different projects and regions by visiting our online public maps

Bearded Vulture online maps
Cinereous Vulture online maps
Egyptian Vulture online maps
Griffon Vulture online maps
Photo credits: Wildlife Crime Academy/ Vulture Conservation Foundation, Bogdan Boev/ Rewilding Europe, JCYL, Pilar Oliva and Szabolcs Gál.
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If you have any news you would like to share, please contact Eleni Karatzia, Events, Outreach and Communications Officer.  
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