Dear Friend,


We are proud to share with you that this week, The New York Times published a project titled: “These 115 Workers Helped Keep New York Alive in Its Darkest Months” featuring our very own member leaders Bishnu, Mohini and Tsering.


So we thought you may want to know: Who are these faces behind the photographs? And how can you support them?


Photographs by Todd Heisler

Meet Bishnu Hirachan, our TPS member leader. Bishnu has been an active member leader in our #TPSjustice campaign by sharing his story and also supported Adhikaar COVID-19 mutual aid efforts like food distribution.


He has led and organized his peers as a TPS committee member and currently part of Adhikaar’s campaign to fight for the passage of the SECURE Act and win permanent residency for the 400k+ TPS holders in the U.S.


Sign this petition here to show your support for a pathway to citizenship for TPS holders like Bishnu.


Meet Mohini Karmacharya, our Domestic Worker member leader. Mohini supported other domestic workers during the pandemic through food distribution efforts. She is part of the NYC Care Campaign steering committee which represents over 2,000 other Nepali-speaking domestic worker members of Adhikaar.


Mohini has been actively advocating for domestic workers to be protected under NYC Human Rights law through the #passintro339 campaign.


Sign the petition here to help push #PassIntro339 past the finish line.

Meet Tsering Lhamo, our Nail Salon member leader. Tsering has been actively mobilizing other nail technicians in Brooklyn during the pandemic, connecting them with information and resources such as food boxes, PPE and vaccine information. Tsering is also Adhikaar’s Workers Association steering committee member, which leads our membership of 1,4000 nail technicians. Recently, she’s been actively campaigning with Adhikaar for the Nail Salon Accountability Act, a bill to raise industry standards for workers.


Read this recent article in Allure where another Adhikaar member leader spoke about why legislation like the Nail Salon Accountability Act is essential. 

Bishnu, Tsering and Mohini are just a few of the thousands of worker members actively organizing with Adhikaar. Help us continue supporting the leadership and development of immigrant workers like them, and to ensure the success of our campaigns to build immigrant worker power.

Thank you,


Pabitra Khati Benjamin,

Executive Director, Adhikaar


P.S. This story hit the papers today, so make sure to check your local newsstand and grab a copy!