We’re writing to ask you to make a $10 contribution to support our work to flip the Senate next year. Every donation matters, so can you chip in before tonight’s deadline? Thanks in advance.


Here are a few things you should know before donating, John:  

  • We’re on the frontlines of the fight to Flip the Senate, challenging Mitch McConnell’s dark money network in 2020;
  • We’re behind on our fundraising goals for the month, but we can catch up if enough folks step up before midnight;
  • Every donation puts us one step closer to a Democratic majority in the Senate, which is why we need your help today.

So we’re asking one more time: Can you make a $10 donation before our mid-month deadline at midnight tonight?


We have a lot of important work ahead of us and we appreciate having you on our team in this fight. Thanks for all you do.

— Flip the Senate
