House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s efforts to scuttle the creation of a special select committee in the House of Representatives to investigate the events of January 6th are reprehensible.

After Mitch McConnell killed the effort to create an outside Commission by blocking the vote in the Senate, Speaker Pelosi’s decision to form a select committee in the House is the only way forward to get the truth for the American people about that dark day.

But House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s selection of five appointees to serve on the committee — including two members, Jim Jordan and Jim Banks, who had already made it clear they have no interest in an objective investigation — was intended to prevent any possibility of an honest and independent examination of the facts.

Kevin McCarthy and the Trump lobby he represents have only one goal here: to bury the truth about the attack on our Capitol.

His willingness to put the interests of Donald Trump before those of our democracy may not be surprising, but it’s a terrible and dangerous statement of how the Republican Party defines its interests right now.

We cannot allow a cover-up of the events of January 6th. The American people need to know the truth.

If you agree, sign your name to show your support for a bipartisan special committee made up of members of Congress who want to get to the TRUTH and protect the well-being of our democracy from future threats >>

The citadel of our democracy was attacked, lives were lost and others were damaged forever. We need the facts and then we need accountability. This is not up to Kevin McCarthy, Donald Trump, or Fox News.

We need to proceed with a full and credible investigation.

Thank you for raising your voice on this important issue,
