
In just a moment, I’m going to ask you to make a contribution to help protect our Senate majority. But first, I hope you’ll give me a chance to explain why today’s request is so important, and what could happen to our majority if we fall short of our goal.

We just learned from the recent FEC filing that Senate Republicans have more than double the amount of cash on hand as Democrats. That’s a problem — especially when Mitch McConnell will do and spend whatever it takes to flip the one seat necessary for Republicans to take back the majority.

And it’s not just billionaire donors and corporate PACs writing the GOP campaign checks either. Senate Republicans are now raising more than $4 million per month online from their grassroots supporters after seeing how you were able to power our Democratic victories in the House, Senate, and White House.

So for us to not fall even further behind McConnell and the GOP, we need to make up a lot of ground — and fast. Can you help?

I’m personally asking: Will you make a contribution of $10, or any amount you can afford right now, so we can not only defend, but expand our Senate majority? Every single dollar you’re able to contribute makes a difference.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Despite the challenges of the past year, I’m more optimistic than ever that we can transform this country to serve everyone — leaving no one behind. But we must keep our majority to accomplish this critical task.

Thank you for being a part of the team that’s making it possible.

— Cory