Friends, we need to make clear that right-wing voices don’t speak for everyone in our community. Please add your name to our petition now to help amplify the voice of reason.

It's been stunning to see ice cream become the latest battleground in the Israeli-Palestinian debate. The uproar can be painful for all of us who care so deeply about the future of Israel, its people and its democracy. All of us who know that the kind of Israel we hope for depends on ensuring the rights and freedom of the Palestinian people, and feel that our Jewish values compel us to stand up for what's right. Together, we need to make clear that right-wing voices don’t speak for all of us. If You Agree, Sign Our Petition: Protect the Right to Protest the Occupation Despite the over-the-top meltdown, here’s the truth: 
- Ben & Jerry’s stated it will no longer sell ice cream within illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian territory, but will continue to do so inside Israel. Ben & Jerry’s has not announced a boycott of Israel.
- The decision is an act of peaceful protest against an unjust occupation and illegal settlements – policies the majority of American Jews oppose. The settlement movement seeks to permanently control the West Bank, denying Palestinians access to their land and preventing an Israeli-Palestinian two-state peace agreement – a clear harm to both peoples. 
- The decision draws a critical distinction between the sovereign State of Israel and the territory it militarily occupies, where millions of Palestinians live without civil rights or self-determination. 
- Calling fair criticism of Israel’s actions “antisemitic” undermines the fight against the very real rise in antisemitism. We must push back against all efforts to blur the line between Jewish identity and the policies of the Israeli government.
- Israeli officials and right-wing groups are now calling on US states to use constitutionally-dubious “anti-BDS” laws to punish Ben & Jerry’s. It’s part of a clear effort to intimidate and silence opponents of occupation. As advocates for a just and democratic Israel, we cannot allow it to succeed. 
- You can oppose the BDS Movement, and support Israel’s future as a democratic homeland for the Jewish people – as we do at J Street – and still fight fiercely for the right to peacefully protest occupation and injustice. With so much venom being hurled at Ben & Jerry’s, a popular progressive company, it’s easy to understand why so many Americans, Palestinians, Israelis and others around the world feel like they can’t speak out against occupation and settlements. And that’s precisely the point. Together, we need to make clear that these voices don’t speak for all of us. Add Your Name and Share: Protect the Right to Protest the Occupation

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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