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Speak Out Against Gruesome Surgical Sterilization Experiments
on Wild Horses
Dear John,
The National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board is meeting later this month in Washington, DC, to discuss a wide range of issues concerning the fate of America's wild horses. The board advises the Bureau of Land Management--the primary federal agency charged with managing the nation's wild horse population--and votes on recommendations.
One of the issues the board is likely to consider is the BLM's proposed surgical sterilization experiments on wild mares. The experiments would analyze the complications (including mortality rates) associated with an outdated and risky procedure known as "ovariectomy via colpotomy" that involves the manual and blind insertion of a metal rod-like tool to sever and remove the ovaries.
The National Academy of Sciences explicitly warned the BLM not to employ this surgical procedure on wild horses due to the risks of trauma and infection. Numerous federal lawmakers have also spoken out against ([link removed]) its use on wild horses, and an October 2019 Harris Poll ([link removed]) commissioned by AWI among over 2,000 US adults found that an overwhelming 77% of Americans oppose conducting these surgical sterilization experiments on wild horses.
Amid public outcry, two major research universities pulled out of previous iterations of the study. And last year, AWI secured a victory in federal court ([link removed]) that blocked the BLM's prior attempt to pursue these gruesome experiments. Despite all this, the agency is doggedly and inexplicably attempting to revive this controversial and inhumane procedure.
What You Can Do
The BLM's National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board is currently accepting public comments. It is vital that advisory board members, as well as agency officials, hear directly from concerned members of the public on the need to ensure the humane treatment of wild horses. Please click below to submit comments to the agency by October 18.
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As always, be sure to share our eAlert with family, friends and co-workers, and encourage them to submit comments as well. Thank you for your dedication to protecting animals!
Joanna Grossman, PhD
Equine Program Manager
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Photo by Dan Dzurisin
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