In many states across the country, voting for the 2021 primary election is already underway. Here in Washington, our PAC, the Alliance for Gun Responsibility Victory Fund, has endorsed 63 candidates so far this year! Two races—Seattle Mayor and Position 9 on Seattle City Council—proved especially difficult because of a diverse and impressive field of strong contenders. To help us (and voters) make the right choice, we hosted two public forums to dive deep on the candidates’ proposals. You can learn more about all those races here: https://gunresponsibility.org/2021-voter-guide/

Extremism in the PNW
We partnered with the Oregon Alliance for Gun Safety to host a summit. Speakers outlined how extremist groups in the PNW use gun policies and debates to their advantage as well as what can be done to prevent armed intimidation, protect communities, and hold extremists accountable.
Watch the full event here. >

2020 Annual Report
Despite all the challenges last year, from racial injustice to the pandemic, we still made incredible strides to prevent gun violence. One of our many legislative victories was the creation of a first-of-its kind Office of Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention.
Read all about it. >

Safe Gun Storage Act
Rep. Jayapal, Sen. Murphy, and Sen. Blumenthal introduced a bill to ensure federal safety standards for firearms locks and safe. Commonsense laws like this will save lives.
Take action. >
Investigate the NRA!
Senate Majority Leader Schumer called on the Department of Justice to investigate the NRA for bankruptcy fraud, adding another strike against the embattled group.
Donate to defeat the NRA. >
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