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Hi John

Hedgerows are the unsung heroes of our countryside. They have been a defining feature for over a thousand years, bringing landscapes to life with character and beauty. 

They connect habitats and provide pathways, shelter and sustenance for wildlife, while protecting the soil, cleaning the air and absorbing carbon emissions. They are nature’s key workers.  

But around half our hedgerows have been lost since the end of the Second World War. This has left us vulnerable to the threats of climate breakdown, while intensifying nature’s decline. 

That’s why we’re calling on the government to commit to planting thousands of miles of hedges all across the country. 

Planting must start now, so will you join the call and demand that government takes action? 

Sign the petition

Our countryside is struggling to cope with climate breakdown and nature’s decline.  

Frequent and fierce floods threaten people’s homes, businesses and lives. Unpredictable weather  makes it harder for farmers to grow our food.  

And some of our most cherished wildlife like hedgehogs, bumblebees and butterflies have plummeted in numbers over the past half century.  

Nature holds the key to help solve these crises and the humble hedgerow is a unique solution. 

The government’s own climate change advisors have said we need 40% more hedges by 2050. Can you add your name to make the government set this target? 

To have any chance of stopping climate change and reversing the loss of nature, we need to act fast. Every day, month, year lost to inaction will lead to further harm to our countryside and the natural world.  

But, if enough of us join together, the government will have to listen. 

Until next time, 


CPRE The countryside charity 

PS: If you want to find out more about the campaign, check it out here

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