We said from the beginning that this was going to be a competitive race, John.

Dave Muhlbauer is fighting for a battleground Senate seat against an 87-year old incumbent who has been in office for 4 decades. It was only a matter of time before another candidate threw their hat into the ring.

Yesterday was that day, John. A new opponent just announced their campaign, and we have to ramp up our efforts to get the word out about why Dave is the best candidate to represent the people of Iowa.

We got a head start in this race, but we're at risk of falling behind. Will you stand with Dave by contributing $5 or more right now? Let's face it: Anyone would be better than Chuck Grassley when it comes to representing working class Iowans. But we both know that there's no one more qualified than Dave Muhlbauer.

Dave's a family farmer who knows what it takes to run a small business, and the unique struggles that small businesses face. He knows folks need affordable health care, a wage they can actually live off of, and real action to combat climate change.

In the Senate, he'll stand up to the corporate PACs that lobby our government to tilt policies in their favor, and will fight for rural communities and working folks to get their fair share.

Dave Muhlbauer knows what Iowans want. Now, let's make sure Iowans get to know Dave. Can you chip in $5 or more to fuel our ads and keep Dave at the front of this race?


Team Muhlbauer