Daily Journal: Supreme Court upholds nonprofit donors’ constitutional right to privacy

To anyone considering donating to a nonprofit organization (and we know a few good ones!), we have some great news: The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld your right to privacy of association. The High Court’s 6-3 opinion in Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Bonta struck down California’s attempt to demand disclosure of donors’ names from every single nonprofit that solicited funds within the state.

Jeremy Talcott explains that while a pair of conservative organizations brought the case, the opinion is a victory for individuals and organizations across the ideological spectrum.

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The Chicago Tribune: Coach houses expand Chicago’s housing availability. The city should fully embrace them

It’s not often that Chicago’s City Council passes a housing law that can benefit nearly every Chicagoan.

But the city did exactly that when it took its first—albeit tepid—step toward lifting its half-century ban on Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), or as they’re more commonly known, coach houses or granny flats.

Brian Hodges and Nathaniel Hamilton tell us why the ordinance is an important first step in alleviating Chicago’s housing needs, but much more needs to be done.

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The Hill: Biden’s Education Department must choose accountability or a Marbury v. Madison moment

The Biden presidency was supposed to be a return to normalcy, transparency, and accountability following the tumultuous years of the Trump administration.

Why then, as Daniel Woislaw and Jessica Thompson ask, is the Department of Education refusing to allow an important oversight board to meet?

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