Norway Must Walk Its Talk on Ocean Protection

Help us to remind Prime Minister to “think global, act local”

"Let the fjord live!" Norwegian activists at Repparfjord where PM Solberg's government has green-lighted the dumping of harmful mine waste.

Dear John,

Our allies in Norway need our help. This summer, activists, Sámi Indigenous people and fisherfolk are preparing to put their bodies on the line to peacefully block construction of a copper mine that would dump millions of tonnes of mine waste into Repparfjord.

Despite numerous high-profile, international commitments to protect the ocean and marine ecosystems, Prime Minister Erna Solberg’s government is still allowing  two dirty, ocean-dumping mines to pollute productive and protected Norwegian fjords.  

The Norwegian government knows ocean dumping is dirty, outdated and wrong. In 2018 it approved a moratorium for new permits to dump mine waste into fjords. But the measure exempted two new mines, effectively sidestepping any real progress to protect oceans from toxic mine waste. 

Time is running out. Demand the Prime Minister be a real leader on ocean protection, stop the Nussir and Nordic Mining projects, and ban all ocean dumping in Norway.



Ellen Moore, International Mining Campaign Manager

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