Weekly Reads
"Allow grantees to share what they want in the way that they want to share by shifting reports away from being heavily metric and data-driven. There is so much value in storytelling. While it’s true that ‘numbers tell a story,’ we shouldn’t pretend that numbers tell a uniquely objective story—or the only story. " [more]
Nicole Fernandes, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations
"A person is vulnerable to racial burnout when they are constantly aware of both the micro and the meta—conscious of racism in interpersonal interactions and aware of the overwhelming structural reinforcements for white supremacy. ... What does community care do to intervene in burnout? Often, it creates a safe place in which to speak one’s truth, and to feel relieved that others are having the same experience." [more]
Mistinguette Smith, M Smith Consulting, in Nonprofit Quarterly
“To build enduring relationships with the leaders of the nonprofits you support, the biggest keys are developing your understanding of the organizations and the contexts in which they work and providing that transparency about how you chose to give to them and the likelihood that you will give to them again in the future.” [more]
Hannah Martin and Kate Gehling, Center for Effective Philanthropy, on National Philanthropic Trust
This new joint PolicyLink-Bridgespan analysis says funders are a key part of the racial equity ecosystem: to benefit the entire nation they should both be transparent in reporting where grants go and fund what movement leaders say is needed to achieve enduring change. [more]
Moving from Intention to Impact: Funding Racial Equity to Win, PolicyLink and The Bridgespan Group