The American Academy of Nursing has announced the six scholars selected for its re-envisioned Academy Jonas Policy Scholars Program. The program, which provides a two-year experience focused on mentoring, policy, and engagement, is designed to transform nurse scholars into emerging policy experts.
Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Health Care Industry to Weigh In
The National Academy of Medicine’s Future of Nursing 2020-2030 committee has invited health care industry leaders to discuss how they prioritize efforts to promote health equity, and invites the public to listen in. The November 20 webcast runs 9 to 11 a.m. ET, followed by a presentation by Lori Melichar, PhD, MA, of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
On October 3, a White House executive order about Medicare directed the Department of Health and Human Service to eliminate restrictions that “limit professionals from practicing at the top of their profession.” Reaction included
AARP’s observation that this could expand access to care for many; and the American Nurses Association is “pleased” with its recognition of the value of APRNs.
Campaign, Minority Health Office Present at HBCU Week
In October 2018, the Campaign for Action,
AARP, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Minority Health partnered with a regional health equity council to host a pilot mentor-training program for eight historically black colleges and universities. That led to an invitation for the coalition to present at the White House 2019 HBCU Week Conference.
Nurses know that nonmedical needs are a major factor in people’s overall health, and have taken steps large and small to create wellness for those around them. Probably, you or a nurse you know have taken those steps yourself. The Campaign wants to hear from you: How are you helping people and communities overcome nonmedical challenges that too often affect health?
Nursing Charter High School Proposed in Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania State Nurses Association is taking steps to create a charter high school that will offer specialized courses in nursing. The association says it was inspired by the call in the 2010 Future of Nursing
report for a more highly educated, diverse nursing workforce—and by Rhode Island, which has the only nurses charter school of its kind in the country.
Baccalaureate Degrees on Rise, Latest Figures Show
The latest updates to the Campaign for Action dashboard show steady progress on many fronts, as the Campaign continues to implement the recommendations made in the 2010 Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report. Strides in education stand out.
New–Fellowship Encourages Better Use of Statistics
Statistical information plays an important role in informing actions to improve health. Guided by that idea, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and AcademyHealth developed a fellowship program, geared toward senior researchers, to encourage the use of NCHS data systems and programs. Deadline: January 1.
AcademyHealth’s Delivery System Science Fellowship provides hands-on training and professional opportunities for highly qualified researchers with a background in health services research or related fields to enhance analytic skills. Deadline: January 1.
Culture of Health Prize Open for Community Applications
Communities are invited to apply for the 2020 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize. Applicants should be able to show how organizations are working together to transform neighborhoods, schools, businesses, and more. Application deadline: November 4, 3 p.m. ET.
RWJF Health Policy Fellows Program Accepting Applications
Midcareer health professionals and behavioral and social scientists are encouraged to apply for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellows program, a yearlong learning experience in Washington, D.C. that seeks to build and maintain strong and diverse leadership and a workforce skilled in health policy. Deadline: November 6 at 3 p.m. ET.
Sigma Foundation, Jonas Philanthropies Launch Research Grant
A new fund, the Sigma Foundation for Nursing/Jonas Philanthropies collaborative research grant, is designed to support nursing research that will help improve health care for the most vulnerable citizens of the U.S. Grants are available in three categories: mental health, rural health, and veterans health care. Application deadline: December 1.
Over decades, the information provided by the Nurses' Health Study has led to much of what we know today about health and disease. The third such study, NHS3, now seeks 100,000 nurses and nursing students to get involved and so contribute much-needed data, including information to assist in addressing health disparities.
Journal Seeks Abstracts for Future of Nursing Issue
Nursing Education Perspectives will devote its fall 2020 issue to The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report, 10 years after its publication. Action Coalitions and others are encouraged to submit manuscripts about nursing education research studies relevant to the report by January 1, 2020.
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