Green Talking Heads Have you listened to the first episode of our new podcast #GreenTalkingHeads?
The Green Screen! This week, The Green Screen made ‘Burning Out’ available for free for 48h on 21-22 July. The documentary by filmmaker Jérôme le Maire captures everyday life in the surgical department of a Parisian hospital. He paints a disconcerting picture of the imminent burnout threatening the healthcare system.
During the debate ‘Invest in healthcare! Addressing vulnerabilities in European public healthcare systems’ held on 22 July, we explored the state of health care systems across Europe, and how they can be rebuilt to ensure a more resilient and sustainable Europe. If you missed it, you can catch up here. Save the date! Our next session on Fighting Inequality through COVID-19 Recovery will be in September. Save the date now and book your ticket on release. Only 1,000 tickets are available for each screening. News Floods - Extreme Weather At least 200 are dead and hundreds are missing following the days of floods that have devastated German, Belgian and French cities and villages. In January 2021, the global temperature was the highest on record. And what is clear is that floods are made more frequent and severe due to the increase of extreme weather patterns caused by climate change. 4 Day Work Week The 4 day work week has many benefits. As we have seen from the recent Icelandic trial – the 4 day / 32h work week does not only enhance worker wellbeing, but it has also been shown to maintain or increase productivity in the workplace. It also contributes to safeguarding the environment, creating more gender equality and social cohesion, and enriching democracy! Reckoning With Colonialism On 1 July 2021, the Mayor of Amsterdam and member of GroenLinks Femke Halsema issued a public apology on behalf of the city council for the involvement of former city governments in the slave trade and slavery. She held her speech on the day of Keti Koti, which marks Emancipation Day in Suriname and is the celebration of the abolition of slavery in 1863. Upcoming event European Ideas Lab on Climate and Biodiversity in Milan and online Are you a changemaker invested in fighting the climate crisis? News from our member parties Bulgarian Greens Congratulations to our member party Green Movement/Zeleno dvizhenie and their coalition partners in DemokratiBG for their amazing results in the Bulgarian parliamentary elections last Sunday! The coalition gained 12.6% and Green Movement/Zeleno dvizhenie will have 4 MPs in the next National Assembly.
Czech Greens The Czech Senate voted on a bill that recognises and foresees financial compensation for the forced sterilisation of Roma women in Czechia, which systematically took place between 1970-1990. Along with Zeleni, the Czech Green Party, the European Greens welcome this important step in fighting discrimination against Roma communities in Czechia.
The Green Party of England and Wales Caroline Lucas MP for the Green Party of England and Wales has published a new version of CEEBill with just 100 days to COP26.
German Greens The German Greens have launched their campaign for the upcoming federal elections, themed "Ready because you are". After years of politics in permanent crisis mode, foresight and precaution must be drawn in. The country, the people and the economy are ready for change. Find out more about the campaign.
Belarus Green Politicians are acting as Godparents for political prisoners in Belarus - Green MEP Thomas Waitz took up the symbolic godparenthood of Ksenia Syramalot, a student at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the Belarusian State University. Events Future Events - Save the Date
News from our partners Mass Surveillance Game Would you make it in a world of surveillance? Play the new #BiometricOutrun video game from the Greens/EFA group and see for yourself! You have been warned: Once scanned, you can't escape #BiometricSurveillance. Play today #StopBiometricSurveillance #ReclaimYourFace
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