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Friday, July 23rd, 2021

Dr. Peter Mccullough – Urgent Warning About Jabs

Alexandra Bruce

The Death Knell for Relying on the PCR Test for Covid Statistics

Forget most of what the media has been propagandizing us with for the past 18 months. Gary G. Kohls, MD

FBI’s Ridiculous “Capitol Siege Pipe Bomb” Video Is An All-Out Assault on Common Sense


JFK — Accept Our Diverse World as It Is

Patrick J. Buchanan

Portrait of an Evil Man: Karl Marx

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn

The Propaganda War (and How To Fight It)

CJ Hopkins


Allan Stevo

Today, as in Wyatt Earp’s Day, It Is the Proclivity of Democrats To Favor the Criminals

Paul Craig Roberts

No Fans, No Fair Play, No Atmosphere… The Planet Lockdown Olympics Will Be a Gold Medal Flop

Robert Bridge

2020—2022 versus 1929—1932

Alasdair Macleod

Do Whites Have Civil Rights?

Steve Sailer

Beijing Renews Its Call For Fort Detrick Biolab Probe as 4.7 Million Chinese Petition WHO To Search in US for Covid Origins


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