We have just learned that President Biden will be coming to Arlington tomorrow -- and I need your help to make sure we use that opportunity to show President Biden the importance of passing the For the People Act.
President Biden is speaking at a campaign rally tomorrow afternoon -- and we’ll be outside of that event holding up signs and chanting to draw attention to the need to save our democracy. Common Cause does not endorse (or oppose) candidates for elected office, but we do believe it’s important to be wherever the President goes to make sure we get his attention.
Can you join us tomorrow, July 23rd at 4:30 pm at Lubber Run Park, 300 North Park Drive in Arlington? We’ll rally outside of the campaign event Biden will speak at to send a strong and urgent message: use the full power of the Oval Office to pass the For the People Act -- and don’t let anything, including the filibuster, stand in the way.
Showing up in person will show President Biden how strong our movement is to pass the For the People Act. Last week, he made a strong statement about the importance of Congress passing reforms to protect our freedom to vote at a speech in Philadelphia.
But our democracy is in crisis--with redistricting around the corner and hundreds of voter suppression laws being introduced in states across the country, we do not have time to wait. We need action more than words.
We need President Biden to move beyond making strong statements and use his power to take strong actions - and we will rally to demand this from him on Friday.
We need to pass the For the People Act before the Senate’s August recess in order to stop partisan redistricting from shaping our politics for the next 10 years.
Passing the For the People Act is a moral imperative to build a democracy that reflects and responds to all of us.
It’s our chance to demand a democracy where people shape our decisions rather than the wealthy and corporations; our chance to fight for voters of color; our chance to make voting easier and more accessible. We must seize this chance now. We’ll see you Friday.
In Solidarity,
Christine Bass, For the People Act Digital Organizer
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. - If you're unable to make it, you can still carry along the momentum by signing up to phonebank with us - we have shifts every day of the week!