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What Do American Voters Want in 2020? A Plan to Cut the High Cost of Health Care


If the Democratic presidential primary contenders are listening to American voters, they will make sure to address one critical issue during tonight’s debate: the high cost of health care. 

In a new post for To the Point, Commonwealth Fund President David Blumenthal, M.D., outlines what we should be hearing from candidates promising to make health care more affordable to more Americans: 

  • A clear, compelling plan for managing prices: we pay far more than other wealthy nations do for health care, particularly prescription drugs.
  • Ideas for limiting the amount that sick Americans pay out-of-pocket on deductibles and copays: other countries, for instance, cap out-of-pocket spending by tying it to a percentage of income.
  • A promise to cut red tape: candidates should have a plan to simplify and streamline administration and limit waste. 
  • Strategies for changing the way we pay for health care that prioritize value and innovation. 
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