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July 22, 2021
Media Contact: Matt Langston

POLL: Susan Wright Continues To Hold Double-Digit Lead Over Jake Ellzey

Arlington, TX — A survey taken July 19-21 in the special election for TX-06 shows Susan Wright (R) maintaining a double-digit lead over State Representative Jake Ellzey (R) heading into the final days of the runoff. 

Wright holds a 21% advantage among Republicans, leading 53%-32%. Wright also holds a 10% advantage overall, with Republicans, Democrats, and independents included, leading 44%-34% with 12% undecided. 

Ellzey, who has picked up endorsements from several Democrats, including 2020 Democrat nominee Stephen Daniel, holds a 13% advantage among Democrats, leading 44%-31%. 

"Trump Movement Republicans" favor Wright by a 33% margin, 61%-28%, underscoring the importance of President Trump's endorsement.

Through the first two days of early voting, the turnout has been very Republican-heavy: 80% of voters have voted mostly or entirely in Republican primaries in the past, 13% have voted mostly or entirely in Democrat primaries, 2% have voted in an equal number of Republican and Democrat primaries, and 5% have no primary vote history.

With Wright holding a commanding lead among Republicans, she is in a very strong position to win the runoff unless Ellzey manages to turn out a significantly higher number of Democrats in these final days.

"From siding with Democrats in the legislature by voting for tax hikes and against pro-life bills, to taking money from Never Trumpers, to flip-flopping back-and-forth on amnesty, State Rep Jake Ellzey continues to hold a bunch of support from Democrats, but he's also getting crushed among the Republicans that are voting in this runoff," said Matt Langston, Wright campaign General Consultant.

"To be clear: 80% of voters so far are Likely Republicans, and Susan holds a 21% advantage among Republicans in the poll," Langston continued. "Rep. Ellzey does indeed hold a 13% advantage among Democrats in the poll, but only 13% of voters so far are Likely Democrats. For all intents and purposes, this is a Republican runoff -- there are two Republicans running and the vast majority of voters are Republicans -- and with Susan holding a large advantage among Republicans, that means Susan is in a very strong position to become the next member of Congress in TX-06."

See full campaign memo below and LINKED HERE as a pdf:
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