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Sam Goldman talks with Dr. Mia Bloom, member of the Evidence-Based
Cybersecurity Research Group, professor of communication and Middle East
studies at Georgia State University and a fellow with New America’s
International Security program. Her new book, co-authored with Sophia
Moskalenko, is Pastels and Pedophiles: Inside the Mind of QAnon. Follow her on Twitter at @MiaMBloom.

Dr. Mia Bloom: The rest of the world is seeing more and more of this Q-Anon conspiracy... It's this closed information bubble. It's an echo chamber...We under-reacted to a growing domestic terrorism problem...And this concern is about the military, the degree to which it has infiltrated into military circles...It's interesting because in places where fascism is taking hold, you have the ability to control the media and to avoid any kind of disconfirming information...It's in democracies as well as authoritarian governments. It's not something that requires a limited freedom of expression. It's also not contingent on having full freedom of expression.
Sam Goldman: One of our co- initiators, Andy
Zee said something that I think connects to this a lot: “lunacy like
this, when laughed at and shrugged off masks the danger to humanity when
a huge section of America is completely unhinged from reality, and
fervently believes their alternate factory reality as morally superior
and essential for their lives. This destruction of the truth is a key
factor in the forging of a fascist space, a fascist leader and fascist
rule. And we have lived it for four years.” And then he goes on to say,
and it’s metastasizing. I think that it’s worth thinking about what the
significance of this movement is for our listeners.
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