Background on the first terrorist who cross the border to go on trial
The First Illegal Border-Crossing Terrorist Is On Trial, But Don’t Expect The Media To Cover It
Source: The Federalist
In 2011, Abdulahi Hasan Sharif had himself smuggled from Somalia through Brazil and Central America. Then he entered the United States over the Mexico-California border and claimed asylum. Sharif went on to Canada, where he allegedly conducted a double vehicle-ramming and stabbing rampage in 2017.
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Background Notes from Judicial Watch
As JW Exposed Years Ago, ISIS Fighter Affirms That Terrorists Enter U.S. Via Mexico
Source: Judicial Watch
Five years after a Judicial Watch investigation uncovered evidence of Islamic terrorists infiltrating the United States through Mexico, a captured ISIS fighter is providing details of a plot in which jihadists enter the country through the southern border to carry out an attack.
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Nicaragua Arrests Four ISIS Terrorists Planning to Enter U.S. Via Mexico
Source: Judicial Watch
Four ISIS terrorists planning to enter the United States through Mexico have been captured by the Nicaraguan military in a remote area where the men entered the Central American nation illegally from Costa Rica. 
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Bangladeshi Smuggler Busted Amid Rise in Migrants from Terrorist Nations
Source: Judicial Watch
A congressional probe revealed that migrants from terrorist nations are trying to enter the United States through Mexico at record rates. There was an astounding 300% increase in Bangladeshi nationals attempting to sneak into the country through Texas alone.
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