My name is Chris Rufer, I serve as the Chairman of the Advocates for Self-Government. I asked Mike Sertic, President of The Advocates, if I could send you a personal message so I could introduce myself and give you some big news.
I am proud of all the work the Advocates for Self-Government has accomplished recently. I have personally donated many hours of my time as a board member and ample financial resources to The Advocates for decades because I believe in their mission so much.
If people in this country and around the world are to ever have hope of embracing a philosophy of human respect, free markets, and self-government we must educate and recruit new members to our cause.
The Advocates for Self-Government is one of the few liberty organizations whose mission is solely dedicated to recruiting and educating people about the ideas of liberty.
How do The Advocates for Self-Government recruit and educate? We use the “World’s Smallest Political Quiz” to start a conversation.
This short quiz introduces millions of Americans to the word “libertarian” and helps bring hundreds of thousands of people into the liberty movement. In the 1980s, we simply distributed the physical quiz but now… Mike Sertic has led The Advocates into the digital age and we are receiving more quiz completions than ever before!
John, to continue accelerating these efforts, I am announcing that I will personally MATCH ALL online donations up to $10,000 until the end of the quarter.
Yes, I am matching all donations personally… that’s how much I believe in the Advocates’ powerful message and ability to grow the liberty movement.
Donate $25 (Matched to $50) >>>
Donate $50 (Matched to $100) >>>
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Why am I doing this? What is motivating me to give the Advocates so much support?
Not only has Mike Sertic established a powerful online presence for the Advocates for Self-Government, but we have dramatically scaled our ability to continue educating Quiz takers after they submit their answers.
The Advocates have created the “Human Respect Test” which scores people based on their willingness to initiate force to solve social problems. We’ve also launched new “Single Issue Surveys” designed to provide libertarian perspectives on specific issues. These programs are introducing the ideas of peace, civil liberties, free markets, and more to new libertarians.
The ideas you and I both love, cherish, and feel so passionate about will never grow unless we actively reach out to those who have not embraced our principles yet.
John, I hope you’ll consider my offer to match ANY donation you make before the end of the quarter.
Please send the most generous gift you can by clicking here.
Thank you for everything,
Chris Rufer
The Advocates for Self-Government