Hi there,

Did you see the news? An agreement on the final details of the bipartisan infrastructure bill could happen as early as Monday.1 This could be our last chance to ensure Congress passes a bill that delivers on the President's promise to tackle climate change. 

The bill as it's currently written is a good start — it includes some clean energy investments, but it's completely insufficient to combat the climate crisis or deliver justice.

Please, friend, help us keep up the pressure. Reach out to your members of Congress right now to demand that there can be no deal on infrastructure if it doesn't include investments in clean energy, jobs, and justice >>

Thanks for speaking out.

Eva Piatek
Digital Campaigns Manager
Conservation Voters of PA

Hi —

Over the past few weeks, we have seen the disastrous consequences of ignoring the climate emergency. From dangerous heat waves to intense flash flooding — the worst impacts of the climate crisis are already beginning. We cannot accept these disasters as our new normal. We MUST work to reverse climate change before it’s too late. 

That’s why we’re joining with our partners across the country to send a message to Congress: Act now on climate before it’s too late. But in order to make a real impact, we need you. Are you with us?


We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to pass the most important climate legislation in American history, making critical investments in clean energy and green infrastructure. 

This is a key moment in Congressional deliberations, and we’re calling on environmental activists like you across Pennsylvania to reach out to their elected officials to demand that there can be no deal on infrastructure if it doesn't include climate investments. 

If a stripped down bill makes it through, it means losing our best shot at tackling the climate crisis. It means losing on clean energy. It means losing on environmental justice.

We need Pennsylvanians to make noise NOW and demand that Congress passes a bill that tackles the climate crisis. That’s why we’re joining with our partners across the country to send a message to Congress today. This bill will live or die based on whether our grassroots movement stands up and demands it. 

Tell your elected officials that an infrastructure plan MUST include investments that tackle climate change >>

We have an opportunity to address the climate crisis head on and build a more fair and just future for all. We are talking about thousands of new jobs, billions invested in a green economy, and concrete steps to break down the systemic inequalities and address the harms that the environmental justice movement has been fighting for years. Inaction is not an option. This is now or never. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the gaps in our approach to the economy, energy, and climate change. And it taught us to listen to scientists and experts. We must put the U.S. on the path to 100% clean energy, prioritize equitable solutions that the communities most harmed by toxic pollution — low-income and communities of color — are leading, and support the preservation and creation of high-quality union jobs.  

When President Biden says that we need to “build back better,” he understands that the status quo of rising temperatures and increasingly frequent climate emergencies is no longer acceptable. Voters agreed, giving President Biden a mandate to tackle climate change and other important issues. Now we need to tell Congress it’s their turn — they MUST pass meaningful and bold climate legislation. 

Thanks for being a part of this movement.

Kristin Zilcosky
Director of Digital Engagement
Conservation Voters of PA

1 – "GOP blocks infrastructure bill for now, but Democrats are likely to try again next week," Jennifer Haberkorn, Los Angeles Times, June 21, 2021.

Conservation Voters of PA
P.O. Box 2125
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States