
It’s hard to believe - in just 6 months, Biden’s leadership has led America to MULTIPLE CRISES! 

As it stands, violent crime has skyrocketed, our border has been left wide open to anyone who wants to enter, Biden’s spending has skyrocketed inflation, and there is even a worker shortage across the country!
When the Radical Left pushed the Defund the Police movement, violent riots broke out all across America, and Democrats like Biden cheered it on! Now, as we experience a raging Democrat crime wave, everyday Americans are paying the price!

Meanwhile, on our Southern Border, Biden delegated the situation to his phony VP Kamala Harris. After waiting nearly 90 days to even visit the border, VP Harris came to El Paso, praised her and Biden’s imaginary progress, then promptly went back to the DC Swamp. Now, as I work with Gov. Gregg Abbot and local law enforcement to secure our border, it's up to us to bring Texas and America the security we deserve!
I know that these crises have taken a toll on our nation. As Americans in big cities face unprecedented violent crime, our border communities face an influx of cartel crime, and Americans everywhere feel the pain of Biden’s crises, it has never been more necessary that we get this Radical Left slide under control!

As your representative in the House, I promise I will be doing everything I can to restore the peace, prosperity, and security America enjoyed just a few years ago. Biden's dereliction of his duties has cost us dearly. That's why I hope you will pitch in today, and help me fight back against Biden’s crises!
For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne