Friends -
Today American troops are spread out over the world. We have combat troops in 8 countries, and personnel engaged in counter-terrorism missions in 79 countries.
But strangely, there has been almost no public debate about the wisdom of this massive military commitment.
That’s because over the years, Democratic and Republican presidents have consistently sent brave Americans to war through creative interpretations and expansions of the president’s war powers authorities. We’ve also seen administrations dramatically increase the sale of deadly weapons to countries with questionable human rights records, and declare “national emergencies” for political benefit.
Today, I introduced a bipartisan bill with Senators Bernie Sanders and Mike Lee to fix this, but we need you to help us get more of our colleagues on board.
ADD YOUR NAMEYou may ask why Congress allowed this expansion of the executive branch’s warmaking powers despite a constitutional mandate that only the legislative branch declare war. And the truth is that, at least in part, a lot of members of Congress didn’t want to take tough votes on whether or not to go to war.
Too often in modern history, our country has tended toward rash decisions about military engagement. It is often lonely to oppose military action, and many members of Congress fear attack ads calling them soft.
But we have to recognize that it is our duty to be a partner to the executive branch in major national security decisions — like when we go to war, who we sell weapons to, and what actually constitutes a “national emergency.” That is the only way we can stop this cycle of endless wars and get Congress back to the table on national security.
So our bill does three things:
At the end of the day, we will get better national security outcomes if Congress reasserts its role in these matters. It is also the best way to give the American people a voice in the matter. Your elected representatives’ job is to listen and get your input, and I’m asking you to make your voice heard today:
Thank you in advance for adding your name. If we care about checks and balances — a foundational principle of our democracy, then we need Congress to reassert itself as a co-equal branch of government in national security matters.
Every best wish,
Chris Murphy
ADD YOUR NAMEPaid for by Friends of Chris Murphy
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