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Dear Fellow Patriot,

If Arkansas wanted yet another RINO Senator, they could simply stick with my opponent John Boozman.

But they don't want that -- and the GOP Establishment knows it.

That's why the Establishment is putting lipstick on a pig, and trying to cover up its old school loser with a younger, fresher looking loser.

They are trying to sabotage me, and I need to know you have my back.

Contribute to my America First campaign right away and help make sure the RINOs can't con their way into Washington yet again

This young RINO has offered nothing of substance since he's been implemented by the GOP Establishment to muddy the waters.

He's using the same old GOP talking points that have cost conservatives nearly everything -- and have left us dangerously close to losing our country.

The America First GOP is focused on closing the border with a beautiful wall, deporting illegal aliens, bringing back American jobs, ending the opioid crisis, stopping Black Lives Matter and Antifa Communists from tearing up our cities, and ending Critical Race Theory.

But all of that is too "radical" for the RINOs in Washington, so you won't hear either of my opponents talking about it. 

It's not too radical for me, because I know that's what the people of Arkansas, and Republicans around the country want.

When I'm in the U.S. Senate, that's what I'll deliver, but I need your generous support to accomplish that goal today.

I won't roll over to the pond scum in the D.C. Swamp, unlike my two primary opponents. 

Both of them are puppets of the GOP Establishment that has nothing but contempt for you and I, ordinary Republican voters.

But we're building a grassroots coalition of America First patriots who are ready to pick up President Trump's torch and carry it forward.

I'm one of them, and you can join me today by contributing generously to my U.S. Senate campaign.

A generous gift of $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or whatever you can afford today will go a long way towards helping me expose these backstabbing GOP traitors for the RINOs they are.

Anything you can give will help me purchase radio and TV ads, along with campaign materials to get the word out about me -- the only America First candidate in the race.

Thank you in advance for standing with me against the RINO Establishment. 

For America,

Jan Morgan Signature
Jan Morgan

Republican for United States Senate

P.S. The RINO Establishment is putting lipstick on a pig -- and trying to sabotage my campaign with a third candidate who might seem "young" and "fresh," but is a puppet of the D.C. Swamp like the rest of them, 

Let them know you're onto their tricks with a contribution to my grassroots, America First campaign today


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