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July 22, 2021
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Distributors should consider adopting advanced enterprise resource planning systems when they are experiencing significant growth or increasing supply chain visibility, among other reasons, writes Mark Jordan of SAP. "Distributors will also move to a new ERP when they need to reduce risk and establish new governance to ensure dispersed teams operate and function the same way across the organization," Jordan writes.
Full Story: Industrial Distribution (7/20) 
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Amazon has introduced the Brand Referral Bonus program, which rewards brands that drive site traffic to Amazon, although that reward is a reduction in transaction fees rather than a cash payout. "The program has a singular purpose: stopping brands from investing in direct-to-consumer websites and directing those shoppers to Amazon instead," argues Juozas "Joe" Kaziukėnas, founder of Marketplace Pulse.
Full Story: Marketplace Pulse (7/20),  Ad Age (tiered subscription model) (7/15) 
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The New Holiday Retail Planning Guide
With new tips and strategies from leading industry experts, data-rich insights, and a finger on the pulse of changing consumer behaviors, this guide has everything you need to plan for the holiday 2021 shopping season. Get the guide
Operations and Technology
Prices jump for in-demand wood pallets, cardboard boxes
Demand and prices for cardboard boxes and wood pallets have both been increasing in recent months, according to reports. Higher lumber prices and increased e-commerce are fueling the growth, experts say.
Full Story: Supply Chain Dive (7/20) 
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Companies can bring automation to distribution yards by using drive-through loading dock design, ensuring sufficient electric and IT infrastructure, and properly training employees, writes Kyle Bertin of Outrider. "Three key areas must be considered when planning for yard automation -- property, process and people," Bertin writes.
Full Story: Food Logistics (7/21) 
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Protect Your Team From Extreme Heat And Save Big
Extreme heat is no joke. It causes employee discomfort, unsafe working conditions, and decreased productivity. From now through August 13, you can save up to $3,000 when you bundle the superior airflow of industrial overhead fans with an evaporative cooler from Big Ass Fans. Learn More
Sales and Marketing
Building communities is a vital business-to-business marketing strategy that can elevate your brand's thought leadership reputation, enhance customer experience and boost loyalty, writes AZK Media's Azadeh Williams, who provides a comprehensive guide. Key community-building tactics include the creation of quality, educational content with a "journalistic edge" and facilitating community interactions through video, Williams writes.
Full Story: Marketing Mag (Australia) (7/20) 
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Business-to-business marketers can use LinkedIn Campaign Manager to identify and target their total addressable market, and then should act like "sherpas" to guide prospects through the buying journey, writes Fusion Marketing Partners CEO Christopher Ryan. "[B]eing seen as a trusted advisor is always preferable because it is a competitive barrier that not even discounted pricing can breach," Ryan writes.
Full Story: CustomerThink (7/20) 
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The Business Leader
Ted Lasso isn't real, but his values are
Sudeikis as Lasso (27th Annual SAG Awards/Getty Images)
Sports and business leaders alike are turning to fictional soccer coach Ted Lasso for leadership advice, with an emphasis on how Jason Sudeikis' character uses empathy, humor and stories to connect with people. "He uses his superpower of emotional intelligence to balance competing personalities, foster an environment where everyone is capable of good work and build the culture of a team initially resistant to his charms," writes Ben Cohen.
Full Story: Decker Communications (7/14),  The Wall Street Journal (7/14) 
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Athletes and performers have coaches, but business leaders can be reluctant to ask for help or embrace the challenge, writes Seth Godin. "The paradox is that the very things that hold us back are the reasons we need a coach in the first place," he writes.
Full Story: Seth Godin's Blog (7/13) 
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NAW Insider
NAW Helps Distributors Control Business Insurance Costs
Through NAW's new exclusive Margin Protect for Distributors solution, we, with our partners at Gallagher and Liberty Mutual, can make true impact on distributors' bottom line. Give this video a quick look and hear directly from NAW, Gallagher, and Liberty Mutual leaders about what makes this program a complete game-changer for the distribution industry. Learn more.
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Through the education alliance between the NAW Institute for Distribution Excellence and Texas A&M University's Industrial Distribution Program, NAW offers this cutting-edge educational program that is customized to distributors. Learn more.
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NAW Blog Post: Pay Attention to These 3 Customer Trends
According to J. Michael Marks, NAW Institute for Distribution Excellence Fellow "Being on the defensive is only a strategy if you want to lose more slowly. Distributors that are willing to play offense will pay attention to three key trends in terms of customer expectations." Read his post here.
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The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.
Isak Dinesen, pseudonym of Karen Blixen,
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