Looking for more ways to take action?

Take our Social Media activism survey!

Dear John,

According to a recent Harvard Harris Poll, nearly 69% of swing voters said they are unlikely to endorse a candidate that supports increased legal or illegal immigration. This represents an opportunity for NumbersUSA to increase outreach, education, and activism both within and beyond the halls of Congress.

You are one of NumbersUSA's most active members! We greatly value your opinion and would like to offer you the opportunity to take this survey and join in as we explore new avenues in activism and ways to promote issue awareness. This 4-minute survey will provide NumbersUSA with the necessary information from our most committed members on the topic of activism through social media.

This survey is confidential, and we will keep your responses private. The survey will close at 11:59 PM on Sunday, October 20th, so be sure to submit your answers by then! Thank you for being a dedicated activist for NumbersUSA.

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