Dear Friend,

It’s hard to keep up with everything happening on Capitol Hill. But this week should be a wake up call for Americans who care about preserving our ability to choose how, when, and for whom they work. 
Today, the U.S. Senate is debating the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, better known as the PRO Act. Sen. Bernie Sanders proposed ramming the bill through the partisan reconciliation process, negating the need for bipartisan support.

Stand Up for Freelancers

Proponents of women’s rights, including many so-called feminists, talk a lot about protecting women’s right to choose. 
So why is it that when it comes to women’s right to choose how, when, and for whom they work, women’s advocates are noticeably absent?

Friend, that’s why we need your help. 

In addition to repealing states’ right-to-work laws and forcing millions to pay new union dues regardless of their wishes, the PRO Act would:

  • Amend the definition of an employee, drastically limiting who is allowed to work as an independent contractor (or freelance worker)
  • Subject millions of the nation’s 57 million freelance workers—nearly half of whom are women—to new employment structures they didn’t ask for or choose 
  • Knock women out of the workforce, block others from re-entering, and make it harder to start small businesses. 
Stand Up for Freelancers
Stand up for independent contractors, freelancers, and gig workers, and support the basic American right to work a job of your choice.
Stand Up for Freelancers
Kelsey Bolar