From Rachel Kennerley, Friends of the Earth <[email protected]>
Subject RE: Stop climate-wrecking oil drilling off the west of the Shetland Islands
Date July 22, 2021 10:33 AM
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We need your help if we’re going to put a stop to Shell and Siccar Point's plans

Dear John

I wrote to you recently about energy company Siccar Point and oil giant Shell’s disastrous plans to drill at a new oil field off the west of the Shetland Islands – a massive project which would produce climate-wrecking oil until 2050.

So far, almost 50,000 people have signed our letter calling on the government to stop the oil field. If you’re one of those people, thanks so much. And if you haven’t had the chance yet, there’s still time to hold the government to account for its promises for climate action.

In the coming weeks, we’ll hand in our letter. And we need as many names as possible if we’re going to show we won’t stand for this kind of hypocrisy about phasing out fossil fuels. So, if you haven’t already, please will you sign?
I'LL SIGN THE LETTER ([link removed])
Thousands of supporters have already spoken up. We need as many people on board as possible if we’re going to push the government to take cutting emissions seriously.

If you’ve already signed, would you go even further and share the letter with others?
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And if you don't use social media, that's no problem. You can just forward this email to friends and family and ask them to sign the open letter.

You can see my original email below if you want to know more. Thank you so much for everything, and I’ll be in touch again soon.

All the best,

Rachel Kennerley
Climate campaigner

Dear John

Alarming plans to develop a new oil field off the west of the Shetland Islands would have devastating climate impacts – totally backtracking on the UK government’s promises to meet targets outlined in the Paris climate agreement.

Oil exploration company, Siccar Energy – backed by fossil fuel giant Shell – has been seeking approval to start drilling at the oil extraction site for years. Terrifyingly, the first phase of their project alone will extract 150 million barrels of oil – roughly equivalent to operating 16 coal-fired power stations for a year.

The government’s started a consultation to decide if Siccar and Shell’s climate-wrecking plans can go ahead, closing on 10 July. Now’s our chance to speak up. Will you sign an open letter calling on the government to stop the Cambo oil field?
I'LL SIGN THE LETTER ([link removed])
As we heard in the Climate Change Committee’s recent progress report to parliament [1], unless Boris Johnson’s government actually acts on climate, its promises to decarbonise the economy are simply more hot air.

If the oil field is approved, Shell and Siccar Energy plan to keep drilling until 2050 – the year the UK has pledged to reach net zero. Yet another example of the government saying one thing and doing another.

This November, the world will turn to the UK for the UN climate talks in Glasgow. Saying yes to the Cambo oil field would send a clear message that the government isn’t serious about cutting emissions. And it would massively undermine the UK's climate credibility.

We just can’t afford to be opening up new fossil fuel frontiers – here in the UK, or anywhere. Instead, we need to lead the way with a proper plan to wind down fossil fuels and prioritise a rapid, fair transition, including green jobs. One driven by oil and gas workers, their unions, and affected communities.

So please will you sign our open letter calling on the government to hold true on their promises to meet climate targets and put a stop to the Cambo oil field project?
I'LL SIGN THE LETTER ([link removed])
Thanks so much for your support.

All the best,

Rachel Kennerley
Climate campaigner
Friends of the Earth

[1] Read the Climate Change Committee's 2021 Progress Report to parliament here ([link removed]) .

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