From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject Guild at Bloomberg resists return to office as COVID spikes
Date July 22, 2021 9:46 AM
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Guild at Bloomberg resists return to office as COVID spikes

Worker stories fail to budge Warner on PRO Act

Solidarity Center Report: Despite Threats, Honduran Union Leader Sees Hope in Solidarity

Registration opens for Baltimore CLC golf tourney

Today's Labor Quote

Today's Labor History

[link removed] TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

PRO Act: Thank Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen: Thu, July 22, 11am - 1pm
ATU Local 689, 2701 Whitney Place Forestville, MD 20747

Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, July 22, 1pm - 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or listen online.

[link removed] Arlington Dems Labor Caucus: Thu, July 22, 6pm - 7pm
Meeting of union members and friends of labor in Arlington.

[link removed] Coalition to Repeal Right-to-Work: Fri, July 23, 7pm - 8pm
Coalition of more than 50 organizations that support the right of workers to organize unions.

Click here to check out the latest [link removed] Labor Radio-Podcast Weekly: Highlights from labor radio and podcast shows around the country, part of the national Labor Radio/Podcast Network.

Guild at Bloomberg resists return to office as COVID spikes
With COVID19 cases increasing over the last two weeks -- up 106% in Virginia, 136% in Maryland and 205% in D.C. -- the Guild at Bloomberg Industry Group is asking Bloomberg management to reconsider forcing workers back into the office, "as the Delta variant spreads like wildfire across the U.S." [link removed] The Guild at Bloomberg Industry Group is part of the Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild.

Worker stories fail to budge Warner on PRO Act
As part of the AFL-CIO's week of action for the PRO Act, NoVA Labor representatives from area unions - including ATU, IUOE, IBEW, UAW, UBC, IUPAT, and TNG -- met yesterday (photo above) with Zack Golden, Mark Warner's state director, and Bo Machayo, his northern Virginia director. Alfonzo Clements, a DASH bus driver from ATU Local 689, described how the 16-year campaign to unionize his bus company succeeded in lifting him and his co-workers out of poverty and into the middle class through collective bargaining. Sonia Luna from LiUNA 572 described how union-busting prevented the workers at Didlake from gaining the protection of a collective bargaining agreement, and one of the pro-union workers died from COVID without having been able to have a voice in safety measures. Despite these stories, Warner's staff indicated that Senator Warner is still not willing to co-sponsor the PRO Act, one of only three Democratic senators who will not sign on.

Photo: Alfonzo Clements, Roxana Mejia (IUPAT DC 51), Raul Castro (UBC), Eamon Clifford (IUOE Local 99), and Nelson Aguilar (UBC). photo/report by Virginia Diamond

Solidarity Center Report: Despite Threats, Honduran Union Leader Sees Hope in Solidarity
Darlin Oviedo, a union leader in Honduras, is now in hiding after facing threats for his work improving conditions in apparel factories. "When people stand up to defend their rights and say there shouldn't be any rights violations against workers, that's when employers decide to mete out violence against union leaders like us," Oviedo said. "I know that I lived through the first two attempts on my life but who's to say there is not a third attempt coming at me." Read more at [link removed] Solidarity Center.

Registration opens for Baltimore CLC golf tourney
Sponsor and player registration is now open for the Baltimore CLC's Community Services 36th Annual "Ernie Grecco" Golf Tournament, scheduled for September 23rd at Rocky Point Golf Course in Essex, MD. Golfer registration includes: Union-made Embroidered Polos; Continental Breakfast, Beverages & Hot Dogs on the Course, Catered Lunch, Goody Bags. Registration options and links: [link removed] Sponsorship Form; [link removed] Tee and Green Form; [link removed] Player Registration. If you have any questions, contact Diane Journell at (410) 247-4898.

Today's Labor Quote: Thea Lee

"Unions have been under attack for decades. A lot of the obstacles to workers being able to join together in unions have been dirty tricks like these, thanks to loopholes in enforcement and anti-worker rulings. The PRO Act is the most significant labor law overhaul since the New Deal. American workers need it now."

Thea Lee, who's now Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs at the Department of Labor was previously president of the Economic Policy Institute. This is from her EPI video outlining 7 Anti-Union Shenanigans the PRO Act Would Fix.

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This week's Labor History Today podcast: [link removed] Houston, We Have a Labor Dispute. Last week's show: [link removed] Dramatizing The Murals. [link removed] The Memphis Fire Fighter Strike of 1978.

July 22

Newly unionized brewery workers in San Francisco, mostly German socialists, declare victory after the city's breweries give in to their demands for free beer, the closed shop, freedom to live anywhere (they had typically been required to live in the breweries), a 10-hour day, six-day week, and a board of arbitration - 1886

July 23

Northern Michigan copper miners strike for union recognition, higher wages and eight-hour day. By the time they threw in the towel the following April, 1,100 had been arrested on various charges and Western Federation of Miners President Charles Moyer had been shot, beaten and forced out of town - 1913

July 24

The United Auto Workers and the Teamsters form the Alliance for Labor Action (ALA), later to be joined by several smaller unions. The ALA's agenda included support of the civil rights movement and opposition to the war in Viet Nam. It disbanded after four years following the death of UAW President Walter Reuther - 1968

July 25

Workers stage a general strike - believed to be the nation's first - in St. Louis, in support of striking railroad workers. The successful strike was ended when some 3,000 federal troops and 5,000 deputized special police killed at least eighteen people in skirmishes around the city - 1877

July 26

Battle of Mucklow, W.Va. in coal strike. An estimated 100,000 shots were fired; 12 miners and four guards were killed - 1912

- David Prosten

Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.

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