Consultancy to develop an SRHR strategic plan for MenEngage Africa


Sonke Gender Justice is recruiting a consultant to develop an SRHR strategic plan for MenEngage Africa. Founded in 2006, Sonke is a womxn’s rights organisation that is committed to feminist principles, using a rights-based and gender transformative approach to achieve human rights and gender justice. Our vision is a poverty free world in which womxn, children, men and gender non-conforming individuals enjoy equitable, caring, healthy and happy relationships that contribute to the development of gender just and democratic societies. Sonke strengthens governments, civil society and citizen’s capacity to advance gender justice and womxn’s rights, prevent gender-based violence, and reduce the spread of HIV and the impact of AIDS, and in this way contributing to social justice and the elimination of poverty.

The overall objective of this consultancy is to develop a MenEngage Africa Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Strategy (2021 - 2026) that will ensure that MEA fulfils its mandate and as well help keep members of MEA working towards the same long-term goals.

The consultant is at liberty to propose a methodology that would adequately result in the expected deliverables outlined in this ToR. A participatory approach together with a critical reflection by the Sonke, MEA Steering Committee/MEA SRHR Working Group, MEA members, and key stakeholders will make the process meaningful. The following steps are highly recommended for the process. 

For more information, contact [email protected]

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