Hi John,

Last week, a three-judge panel of a federal appeals court, led by a 44-year-old Trump nominee, ruled that laws prohibiting the sale of handguns to young adults under age 21 are unconstitutional.

This extreme ruling is the latest example of a string of unorthodox decisions from activist judges. It goes against decades of precedent and calls for striking down a commonsense gun safety measure that has been in place for more than 50 years.

We are confident that this proven policy will be upheld, but the current composition of federal courts means nothing is a guarantee. That means the gun violence prevention movement will have to fight harder than ever to protect progress we made decades ago.

That is exactly what the gun lobby wants, John. They know they’ve lost in the court of public opinion so they are taking to the courts to challenge any and every responsible gun law. We can’t let them win. Make a gift today to protect our hard-won progress.

This challenge to federal age restrictions is far from the only legal attack being waged by the gun lobby. Gun lobby activists have also filed FOUR different lawsuits against Initiative 1639, which Washington state voters passed in 2018.

Initiative 1639, which strengthened the requirements for purchasing semi-automatic assault rifles and created a safe storage incentive, remains undefeated in the courts. But despite facing loss after loss over the last two years, our gun lobby opponents will not give up.

They are determined to try every last attack they can to undo the lifesaving progress we’ve made. We are determined to do whatever it takes to defend Initiative 1639, but we can’t do it alone. Legal defense is costly and time consuming. The gun lobby knows that better than anyone. They’re hoping that defending against their baseless attacks will prevent us from doing the rest of our vital gun violence prevention work. We can’t afford to let that happen. Please, donate today to stand up to the gun lobby and protect our progress.

Thank you,
Renée (she/her)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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