
I’m going to try and be as civil as I can about this.

Millionaire Republican J.D. Vance just launched his campaign for Senate. You know as well as I do -- a guy who calls affordable childcare “class war against normal people” doesn’t belong anywhere near the Senate.

We can’t let his announcement derail us from expanding our Democratic majority -- political experts say that Ohio’s open Senate seat is one of the most likely to flip.

Our grassroots team CAN win, but only with the resources to stay strong in what will be one of the most competitive and expensive races of 2022 -- can I count on you to be one of the 345 supporters we need to pitch in $25 or more by midnight tonight? Your contribution will be split between my campaign and Seth Moulton's.


Vance doesn’t have a clue about the needs of hardworking Americans, but what he DOES have is the full backing of Trump’s billionaire friends and a Republican Super PAC with over $10 million at its disposal.

I won’t let Vance shift the conversation away from everyday Ohioans and their needs. I’m here to run a campaign that is 100% focused on putting workers front and center. But I need your help to make sure that we’re the loudest voice in the room -- pitch in now to help get our message out and organize across the state!


Let's do this,
