Great news, John.
We wanted to make sure you saw the good news that we just opened up a brand-new field office in Carlsbad! Over 200 members of Team Levin joined us for our grand opening, and we were proud to welcome Speaker Nancy Pelosi as our guest of honor.

Speaker Pelosi joined Mike, our new fellows, and hundreds of supporters in Carlsbad.
This office -- and others around the 49th District -- will be our base of operation for our voter contact program. It's critical that we spread the word about the work Mike's doing in Congress for our community.
We run a year-round field operation, and in the next couple weeks we're going to begin safe, physically distanced door-to-door canvassing to undecided voters. We could use some help getting this program off the ground!
We set a goal of raising $35,000 to fully fund our field program's outreach efforts through the summer. Can you chip in $3 to help us reach more voters?
If the past few elections were an indication, Republicans are going to absolutely hammer us with expensive TV ads and mailers over the next year. We also expect new congressional maps to bring more voters into the fold after redistricting, so communicating with voters early will be key.
Here at Team Levin, we believe in the power of grassroots organizing to engage our community and win campaigns. That's why we're making early investments now, and it's why we need your support:
Chip in a donation to help fund our outreach efforts through the end of summer. Any amount helps, but $3 from you would go a long way.
Team Levin HQ
P.S. If you are interested in joining Team Levin as a volunteer,
use this link to sign up >>