John —

In just a moment, we’re going to ask you to make a contribution to support our ongoing work to take on Mitch McConnell and flip the Senate in 2020. Will you let us explain why this ask is so important?

Democrats only need to pick up four seats next year to win back the Senate and we’re in a position to do just that. Here are a few examples:

  • Amy McGrath just massively outraised Mitch McConnell in Kentucky;
  • Mark Kelly just posted record fundraising numbers in Arizona;
  • Democrats are running outstanding candidates in states like Maine, Iowa, South Carolina, and more.

Now, here’s the part where we explain why your donation is so important:

Mitch McConnell and his network of right-wing billionaires and special-interest organizations are going to spend a fortune trying to tear down these candidates and buy back control of the Senate next year.

We’re going to be there every step of the way -- fighting back and working hard to flip the Senate. But we cannot do it alone. We need your help.

Make a $3 donation before tonight’s mid-month fundraising deadline if you want Democrats to flip the Senate in 2020.


Flipping the Senate is our number one priority and we cannot do it without your help and support. Pitch in today, if you can.

Thanks for all you do.

— Flip the Senate
