Dear Friend,

Hi, I’m the new guy at the Secular Coalition for America as the new Director of Policy and Government Affairs. I worked on Capitol Hill for two Senators, Senator Daniel Moynihan and Senator Mark Pryor. I’ve been a lobbyist, something my mother took a while to get used to.  I also worked in government affairs at two member associations. 

So this is my first Heretic on the Hill.

"Heretic" comes from the Greek word hairetikos, meaning ‘able to choose.’ Which is a pretty great position to be in. Able to choose what you believe. Able to choose whether everything you were taught in church makes sense or just doesn’t, as the definition of heretic evolved into. ‘Able to choose’ can also mean allowed to choose, as in allowed to choose your political beliefs and allowed to choose who will represent you in government. (And since the world’s first democracy developed in Greece around 500 BCE, those first heretics chose something that spread around the world centuries later.)

‘Able to choose’ reminds me of something President John F. Kennedy said, “To govern is to choose.” He succinctly captured the thousands of decisions made on Capitol Hill and in the White House about how to spend federal funds among competing priorities, whether and where to intervene internationally, and who will be confirmed as federal judges and Supreme Court justices. Governing also means choosing whether laws will allow discrimination, whether religion will enter into the administration of federal agencies and federal spending, and whether decisions will be science and evidence-based or not.  

I will be watching what’s going on in Congress and the White House, letting you know when you should add your voice through our Action Center, and yes, serving as Heretic on the Hill by meeting with members of Congress and staff to advocate for nontheistic viewpoints and the secular character of our government. 

Specifically, we want to advance the Do No Harm Act which has a solid number of cosponsors (123) in the House but has not been introduced yet in the Senate. The Do No Harm Act amends the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) to ensure that no one can use their religious beliefs to violate another citizen’s fundamental civil and legal rights. It ensures that publicly funded services are available to all members of the public without discrimination. You can contact your members of Congress here to add your support. 

We also want to pass the Scientific Integrity Act which protects federally funded scientists and their work from political influence. You can learn more and add your support here.

I’ll keep you informed and you let your representatives know what you want them to do on the issues important to secular Americans. That’s what democracy is all about. And yes, that word also comes from the Greeks: dēmos (“people”) and kratos (“rule”). End of the etymology lesson.

I hope you will feel free to contact me with your concerns about legislation currently on Capitol Hill or legislation you’d like to see Congress consider.  I’m at [email protected]

Your advocate on the Hill,

Scott MacConomy
Director of Policy and Government Affairs 
Secular Coalition for America

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