
We didn't get the 50% of the vote needed to win outright at the polls on Saturday. Now we move to a runoff election on Nov. 16, which means we only have a few more weeks to make the best case for why Louisianans should reelect me as governor.

The truth of the matter is that we've got a lot of work to do, and it'll be an uphill battle. Now that the field has narrowed to one opponent, huge amounts of money and special interests are lining up behind him. He's got the backing of the entire GOP establishment.

The Republican Governors Association has already spent $3 million in attack ads against me since July. There's no doubt that they'll double down between now and the runoff election – and that means we need the resources to fight back. We've set a goal to raise $15,000 before midnight tonight, and we're still $10,148 short.

Please friends, can I count on your help to win this thing? Donate $5 now to hit our midnight goal, win reelection and keep Louisiana moving forward.

Thank you,

Governor John Bel Edwards