Zuckerberg Faces Antisemitism After Photo of His Dog Wearing a Yarmulke
By Gabe Friedman/JTA
The Jerusalem Post | JPost.com
July 21, 2021
Not even the CEO of Facebook's dog is immune to online antisemitism.
Mark Zuckerberg posted a photo to his platform of his family pet — a Hungarian sheepdog named Beast — wearing a yarmulke and a canine-sized tallit, or Jewish prayer shawl, on Tuesday. The post was quickly inundated with comments, most of them pushing a pro-Palestinian message, despite the photo's lack of Israel-related content.
Some of the responses included antisemitic rhetoric and imagery. Many contained the phrase "Israel ISREAL terrorism," and some contained caricatures with large noses. One showed a foot stomping on an image of the Israeli flag.
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