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Wednesday, July 21st, 2021

The New Segregationists of the Left

Thomas DiLorenzo

Graveyard of Empires

Eric S. Margolis

Perspectives on the Pandemic

Dr. Mike Yeadon

Civilisation Is For Everyone

Wanjiru Njoya

How Soros Became Voldemort: Noor Bin Ladin Interviews Shadow Party Co-Author

Richard Poe

National Park Service To Spy On Picnics, Family Gatherings, Weddings and Much More


Rare Outbreak of Common Sense Recorded in Britain: Children Won’t Be Jabbed Against What They’re Not at Risk for


Watching China: Anatomy of a Suicide

Fred Reed

America’s Twisted Pretzel Economy

David Stockman

How To Search for, Spot, and Stamp Out Pegasus Spyware From Your Phone

Ilya Tsukanov

Dr. David Martin Just Ended Covid, Fauci, DOJ, Politicians in One Interview

Stew Peters

Will Covid Shots Drive Mutated Variants?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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