Boycotting Jewish businesses is a Nazi practice against the Jews. Democrats and leftists have resurrected the genocidal terror.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

‘Shameful’: Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister To Demand U.S. Enforce Anti-Boycott Jews Laws Against Ben & Jerry’s
Americans who love Israel must fight this shameful decision. There are over 30 states who have passed anti-BDS legislation. Anti-BDS legislation can be used to fight companies who support the BDS Movement. Here is the list of states. If you live in ...

Iran’s Response to Biden’s Groveling Concessions Is More Attacks On U.S. Troops in Iraq And A Kidnap Plan in New York
The Biden Administration does not understand that when you appease brutal and tyrannical regimes they will not make nice. They will only get worse. The deal that will soon be signed by the Biden Administration with Iran, will very likely be worse ...

“Biden’s” War On The Border: Massive Weapons Cache, Armored Vehicles, Ammunition, Bulletproof Vests Seized Just South of Texas Border
Biden is illegitimate. The usurper's policies are, without exception, anti-American and pro-war.

House Republicans Demand Answers About Biden Family ‘Cash-Grab’
Democrats – absolutely lawless and unaccountable to anyone and above all, above the law.

House Republicans demand answers about Biden family ‘cash-grab’

By Samuel Chamberlain, NY Post, July 14, 2021 |

A dozen Republican members of ...

PA: ‘We’ll Never Stop Pay-For-Slay, [Mass Murdering] Terrorists Will Get Their Salaries’
But it is the Democratic state of Israel that Ben & Jerry's decides to boycott. All to appease the far-Left, who support the anti-Semitic BDS Movement. Check out how “woke” the Palestinian Authority and Hamas is with their own people. Shame on ...

‘Biden’ Poo-Poos Inflation, Insists on NEW MASSIVE SPENDING, NEW TAXES
As Inflation rises and the DOW crashes, Biden insists on new massive spending.

Saying “Our experts believe and the data shows that most of the price increases we’ve seen are—were expected and expected to be temporary.”  But the Wall ...

‘Death To The Dictator’: Iranians Take To Streets In Anti-Regime Protests
Why is the “Biden” admin funding, aiding and abetting the brutal oppression of the people of Iran?

‘Death To The Dictator’: Iranians Take To Streets In Anti-Regime Protests

By: By Ben Zeisloft, , Daily Wire, July 20, 2021: ...

Here’s the List of Stores That Dropped Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream After They Announced Nazi-Inspired Boycott of Jews
“Our supermarkets have taken action against Ben & Jerry’s, which is boycotting Jewish communities that are at the center of a territorial dispute in Israel, including the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem – inhabited by Jews for over 3,000 ...

Texas Lawmaker Files Bill for Forensic Audit in Top 13 Population Counties in Texas
This is what is required, what is needed. And all hell will break loose.

To Free Cuba, Make Guantanamo the New Ellis Island

To Free Cuba, Make Guantanamo the New Ellis Island

By Ira Stoll, Special to the Sun | July 19, 2021

The people of Cuba are demonstrating extraordinary bravery by rising up for freedom and democracy against their brutal ...

RASHIDA’S RAGE: Jihad-Liar Tlaib Says Israel ‘Attacking People in Prayer,’ ‘Bombing Palestinians While They Sleep’
And much of America's Jewish leadership continues to take no public action against this sick and lying anti-Semite. All while Tlaib's blood libels contribute to the skyrocketing attacks against American Jews.

.@SpeakerPelosi how many more Jews ...


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