Bernie is counting on lots of donations ahead of tonight's debate.

Become a debate donor and contribute to show you stand with Bernie

Friends -

With time running out before tonight's important debate, we wanted to take a moment to share five reasons why your donation is so important to our campaign – especially today.

  1. We are currently pacing behind where we were at this point in September. But we're catching up thanks to lots of people who have chipped in today and yesterday.

  2. Our average donation so far this month is around $13, so it will take a lot more donations to stay on track to reach our October fundraising goal.

  3. Bernie doesn't hold fancy fundraising events with the billionaire class. That's because he's counting on lots of people making small donations to build this campaign.

  4. Right after tonight's debate, the corporate media will be watching us very closely – so we're aiming to have a big fundraising day today to show we all stand with Bernie.

  5. Your first contribution before tonight's debate will send a powerful message about the strength of our movement. How about it?

Contribute $2.70 right now to stand with Bernie. We’re sending him a list of everyone who contributes today and we wanted to make sure you got the chance to have your name included.

We are the only campaign in this race that is funded exclusively by grassroots donations. Thanks for adding yours today.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie