Last year, we organized, mobilized and voted in record numbers. We did this, in part, because we needed real leadership and solutions to address the pandemic. The American Rescue Plan is one of the major successes of our historic turnout in the last election. Because of the change in leadership real relief has been delivered to our families, small businesses, schools and local communities who suffered through the inaction of the last administration.

When we talk about the American Rescue Plan we have to be very clear that it is more than just another budget line item. It is a massive investment in critical support for Northwest Washington communities feeling the pain from a historic pandemic.

Not all of my colleagues in Congress supported this critical investment. Some Republican politicians, the same ones who voted to give the ultra-wealthy massive tax cuts during the Trump years, did not support our plan because it was too big, too bold.

This lifeline legislation is making a critical difference in our communities:

Families across the country — including 133,000 children in Northwest Washington — are now receiving advance payments from the expanded child tax credit, helping with child care and other costs.

Our schools are receiving funds so they can safely re-open this fall — $1.8 billion just in Washington state, the equivalent of about $1600 per student.

The American Rescue Plan includes funds to support housing for 2,443 families at the greatest risk of homelessness, right here in Washington.

And, of course, it continues the historic investment in COVID-19 testing, tracing, and vaccinations — with nearly $2 billion in funding in Washington alone so far.

The COVID-19 pandemic, and the economic and social challenges we faced in its wake, were worsened by a haphazard and far-too-slow response from the Trump administration.

The people organized, mobilized, and voted for change, and that is exactly what our American Rescue Plan is — a lifeline for each family, neighborhood, and community in Northwest Washington and beyond.

That is why we work hard. This is why we fight.


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