October 15, 2019
Despite a majority of the public standing against cannabis criminalization, according to the most recent FBI Uniform Crime Report, police made 663,367 arrests for marijuana-related violations in 2018.
That total is more than 21% higher than the total number of persons arrested for the commission of violent crimes (521,103).
Of those arrested for marijuana crimes, some 90% (608,776) were arrested for marijuana possession offenses only.
Ultimately, this means that police across America make a marijuana-related arrest every 48 seconds.
We know, and you know, there is a better way. And, we have the data to prove it.
According to a just-published, federally funded report issued by the nonprofit Justice Research and Statistics Association, legalizing the adult-use and sale of marijuana results in fewer arrests and does not adversely impact crime in either legalization states or in neighboring jurisdictions.
Researchers determined: “Analyses of the available data suggests that: One: Legalizing the recreational use of marijuana resulted in fewer marijuana-related arrests and court cases; Two: Legalizing marijuana did not have a noticeable impact on indicators in states that bordered those that legalized; and Three: There were no noticeable indications of an increase in arrests related to transportation or trafficking offenses in states along the northern or southern borders.”
The facts are on our side. Public opinion is on our side.
But, now more than ever, we need YOU on our side.

Become a sustaining NORML supporter and join the thousands of others who for $5, $10, or $20 a month make sure that NORML has the resources to keep fighting for sane public policy when it comes to marijuana.
In just a couple of months, state legislatures all around the country will be opening their doors. It is our job to make it political malpractice for these state lawmakers to continue to allow the status-quo of cannabis criminalization.
We have already assisted allied lawmakers in numerous states to prepare their strategies for the 2020 session, but we still have much more work to do.
Your investment in our shared cause by becoming a sustaining NORML supporter is crucial for three reasons:
It provides our growing organization the ability to make long-term plans, such as bringing on new staff to assist our chapter network as they build grassroots power;
It allows for our small (but mighty) staff to focus on our core mission: promoting the rights and freedoms of responsible consumers;
It protects our ability to remain an independent voice that represents your interests -- not the commercial marijuana industry or other special interests.
Together, we have the ability to shape the future of this country and make sure that those who choose to consume marijuana will no longer be treated as second-class citizens under the law. Become a sustaining member now and own a piece of our history.
Thanks for being with us,
P.S. Want to make a contribution but cannot commit to a monthly donation right now? Chip in what you can and make sure you get your 2019 membership card if you haven’t yet.