We have an unmitigated crisis at our border like we’ve never seen before. John, What I saw happening at our southern border this weekend is appalling. We have an unmitigated crisis at our border like we’ve never seen before. And who’s to blame? None other than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Biden-Harris revoked the successful Trump border policies in favor of a reckless open border policies. Drugs, crime, and human trafficking are pouring into our country at record rates. But this problem doesn’t end at border towns in Texas and Arizona. Traffickers are flooding into every state in America, especially Florida. Contribute $25 NOW To Help Us Fight To Secure Our Border >>> The problem is becoming more urgent by the day. Because the federal government won’t do its job, I sent Florida law enforcement to help secure our border last month, and roughly 70 percent of the illegal border crossings they apprehended said Florida was their ultimate destination. This lawlessness and continued crisis is both empowered and encouraged by Biden and Harris. People crossing illegally into our country are not being deported. In fact, the federal government is now HELPING people illegally entering our nation travel throughout the United States even after they are apprehended. This will lead to massive pressure on taxpayers and local community services such as schools, law enforcement and hospitals. Border apprehensions have risen every single month since Joe Biden took over the Oval. In 2021 alone, there have already been over 1 million stops along our southern border. I’m counting on you to help me continue my mission to secure our southern border. Donate $25 now! >>> The amount of fentanyl seized in June of 2021 was 27x more than was seized in June of 2020. In June alone, enough fentanyl was seized to kill 72% of the entire United States population. Plain and simple: Our communities are more dangerous today because of the “open borders” policies of the Biden administration. John, help me continue my mission to keep our country safe with $25, $10, or even $5! Seeing this crisis at our border made it clear that the time to act is NOW. If Joe Biden refuses to act, it is up to the states to secure our border or risk losing our country. Sincerely, Ron DeSantis DONATE Share This Email → Share This Email Share This Email Share This Email VISIT US AT WWW.RONDESANTIS.COM Sponsored by Friends of Ron DeSantis. Friends of Ron DeSantis | 610 S. Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33606 Unsubscribe
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