John, we’re facing a big end-of-month deadline, and I’m about to ask you to split a $6 donation between my grassroots Senate campaign and Seth Moulton’s campaign. But first, a few facts about my race:

  1. ​​​​​​Ohio’s open Senate seat could decide if we’re able to hold our slim Democratic Senate majority. With a 50/50 split, we can’t afford to lose a single battleground race like this one.
  2. National Republicans are already pouring millions of dollars into this race. One right-wing billionaire alone dropped $10 million into a Super PAC.
  3. I have multiple Republican opponents—not one of them is looking out for the working class. We need to elect a Senator who will fight to cut workers in on the deal, not leave them behind.
  4. We’re just 11 days away from our July deadline, and we need to post strong fundraising numbers. Political pundits (and our opponents) will use our report to see if we have what it takes to flip this seat blue.

So, John: will you chip in a split donation of just $6 to help Seth Moulton and me fight to end Republican obstruction and deliver for the American people?

Donate $6
Other amount

Together, I know we can pull this off.
