Without any meaningful regulation, a couple giant platforms have tremendous power over our economy, our private data, and how our kids experience the Internet.
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Like a growing number of Americans, I’ve been increasingly concerned with the fact that a few big social media companies dominate the vast majority of our time online. Without any meaningful regulation, a couple giant platforms have tremendous power over our economy, our private data, and how our kids experience the Internet. And because those companies own our personal data, it’s hard for new platforms with better services and privacy features to compete.

That’s why I introduced bipartisan legislation called the ACCESS Act, that would give Americans more control and choice when it comes to social media.

Competition and choice are important for consumers, good for our economy, and essential for reining in social networks’ potential for abuse. The ACCESS Act would require social networks to give you more control over your data so that it’s easier for you to switch networks.

Add your name if you agree that you should control your social media data.

Requiring social networks to make your data portable might sound far-fetched, but we’ve done it before with phone numbers. When Congress required phone companies to make phone numbers portable between networks, it increased competition. The internet is a bit more complicated, but the technology to make data portable already exists.

The ACCESS Act would also increase competition by making it possible to communicate across networks. You can email people who don’t use the same email provider -- you should be able to communicate with people who use other social networks too.

Social media has huge benefits, but we’ve also seen that when a few companies so thoroughly dominate our internet use, one company’s mistakes can have major societal consequences.

Sign on now if you want more control over your social media data and more competition between social media networks.

Our laws need to keep up with our technology in ways that allow for continued innovation while ensuring new technology works for us. The ACCESS Act is one of nearly two dozen ideas I’m working to advance that would help us adapt.

Thank you for joining me in the fight to make technology a force for good in our lives,

Mark Warner







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