Families are living under plastic tarps, without bathrooms, often targeted by gangs for extortion.
Families Belong Together (Logo)

John -- As the summer heat intensifies, crowding, safety, and unsanitary conditions are getting worse for migrant families around my home in Tijuana and around northern Mexico.

Hundreds of families are living under plastic tarps, without bathrooms, at the mercy of the elements, or in overcrowded shelters, and are often targeted by gangs for extortion. One way families can become safer is by becoming more financially secure.

I work for Centro 32, Families Belong Together’s sister organization in Tijuana. We have put together an incredible project to provide economic empowerment training and kits for migrant women: hair clippers, brushes, combs, materials, and tools for jewelry or embroidery, that can provide a crucial financial lifeline.

Each kit costs just $40 -- and Centro 32 has a set a goal of supporting 72 families. Can you donate $40 to cover the cost of an Economic Empowerment Kit?



So many families are still trapped in Mexico because of a Trump-era policy called Title 42 that is still in place. Migrant women in particular represent a large segment of those trapped and are often the sole providers for their children.

That’s created a huge need for support, and Centro 32 has been on the ground in Tijuana since 2018 helping migrant families find and access services such as shelters, medical care, and legal assistance, as well as directly providing families with mental health care, clothing, hygiene items, and food.

Those basics are essential, but another key is financial security. Donate $40 today to cover the cost of one Economic Empowerment Kit for a migrant family in Tijuana. Your gift will enable Centro 32 to continue offering volunteer-led training in different trades as well as an economic empowerment kit with everything a participant needs to start their own business.

Conditions in Tijuana are getting worse, but the lives of women don’t have to. Thanks for doing everything you can to send a lifeline to these 72 women and for staying vigilant in your commitment to welcoming families with dignity even when policies like Title 42 keep them trapped in Mexico.


Lea Castillo, Productive Projects Coordinator
Centro 32 / Families Belong Together Mexico